Thursday, March 29, 2007

The denfintive of FABULOUS

Main Entry: fab·u·lous Pronunciation: 'fa-by&-l&sFunction: adjectiveEtymology: Middle English, from Latin fabulosus, from fabula1 a : resembling or suggesting a fable : of an incredible, astonishing, or exaggerated nature b : WONDERFUL, MARVELOUS 2 : told in or based on fablesynonym see FICTITIOUS - fab·u·lous·ly adverb - fab·u·lous·ness noun


Monday, March 5, 2007

Fabulous Weekend

Happy Monday-Start to a new fabulous week, right? If your saying no, then that's not very fabulous. You have to begin your week on a good note and that way it will carry through out your week. Well this weekend went very nicely, my boyfriend and I stayed in on Friday, ordered take-out and watched a bad movie, (I am no longer allowed to pick out movies alone anymore he said, haha) however very relaxing. Saturday was a totally different story, out to the casino for dinner and gambling with all my friends. Dinner was great and gambling was bad, lost $400 but I had fun and that's all that matters. Then Sunday the best day of all, slept in, got up, got a pedicure, when shopping and my boyfriend bought me new clothes and sunglasses for the trip I'm taking at the end of the month. Can't get anymore "fabs" as far as I am concerned.

Wednesday, February 28, 2007

Well today is a little hard to be fabulous. Got bad news yesterday about a friend who is such a good person and is in a very very bad situation and their isn't anything anyone can do to change it. But you have to be strong and "fabs" to be there for your friends. Also its hard today because my fabulous dinner I wrote about yesterday came with some fabulous wine and now this morning its not making me feel that fabulous. But don't worry I be back to my fabulous self after a strong cup of coffee. Have a Fabulous Day

Tuesday, February 27, 2007

Good Afternoon Everybody-Its a Fabulous Tuesday, work is going well, had a lovely business dinner last night (even tried shrimp & crabmeat for the first time, still not a fan), and my boyfriend and I are going to my favorite Italian Restaurant tonight for dinner. Whats not to be happy about and when your happy then you begin to be fabulous. I have shirt and jeans on today which I bought on sale and that's fabulous. Well I guess is a fabulous quiet day....Just fine with me!!!

Monday, February 26, 2007

hello everyone I hope everyone had a fabulous weekend. I know I sure did. Friday night I went bowling, now maybe the shoes aren't so fabulous but doing something different and just letting loose and acting like a kid and being competitive because I hate to lose to alot of fun. In fact I went with my ex boyfriend (my boyfriend knew and was ok with it) and it was nice to catch up and enjoy each others company. Because I try in any relationship romantic or otherwise to end to finish on a positive note because its nice to stay friends because its better then ending badly and have to deal with those feelings, not very fabulous. Saturday was great to very laid back, it was rainy and cold so my boyfriend and I stayed in bed, watched movies and of course ate.

Thursday, February 22, 2007

Well the weather outside isnt that great but I still am feeling fabulous. You have to make the best of it. It might not be that fabulous if I had to work outside, but I don't. I even was having a little fight with my boyfriend of fighting I let things cool down and try to make each of us smile before discussing our feelings, which by the way are all good now. Now if I left myself "unfabulously" fight, kick and scream things would be bad if not over between us.

Tuesday, February 20, 2007

Tara Fabulous

Hi my name is "Tara Fabulous". It started as a joke but now everyone calls me it, some just call me "fabs" for short. The truth is I am and I am going to post ideas, mesages and experiences to help make eveyone fabulous. Rule number one when someone asks how are you say fabulous, trust me it will make them notice you more than I'm ok or I'm fine. I love the fabulous life, and I don't mean money, (well maybe alittle). Being fabulous to me is many things such as a good job, a loving husband or boyfriend, trusting friends, & a happy family. Being a part of your community, one for being know and two for contributing is also on my list of ways to be fabulous. Always having a smile and being happy (faking it you aren't) is one of the top ways to be fabulous. People swear I am always happy, my thinking is that it take 100 muscles in your face to frown and only one to smile.